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2016 I began as a design advisor for a successful cannabis delivery company in Los Angeles. Mid 2017, became Chief Creative Officer and built a unique team to create a compliant business model for recreational cannabis in LA.

Our team researched the industry from upcoming competitors, products and past/present customers. The research focused us on our customers, tools to support ordering, delivery optimization, and voice of the brand. To further the safety of cannabis sales, shelf-stability, and security we have developed a trackable smart-case that will set the standards for the future of cannabis delivery.


Art Direction

Social Media


Software & Hardware

Business Strategy

pac.age was designed to support customers needs. Its naming is comfortable, safe, and familiar. Our goal was to utilize everyday vocabulary and repurposing it into a new industry.

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Our marketing is geared to creating a connection from the brand services to the consumers lifestyle. pac.age provides more time by eazing the process of ordering and receiving goods delivered. The visuals also connect the common reason for consumers to purchase such products to support health and wellness needs.

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Clean minimalist UI/UX by Eddie Montenegro, our Director of Product & Strategy


Our customer journey map